Christy hat sich zum Wochenende ein chicken birianee gewünscht. Birianees sind indische Gerichte, die mehr so zu Festlichkeiten serviert werden, weil sie eben so aufwendig zu machen sind.
Auch sind sie sehr gehaltvoll…aber sehr lecker.
Ich habe mit einige YT-Videos angesehen und mal so ein mix von verschiedenen Rezepten erstellt. Einige sind nur auf Hindi, da kann man nur ahnen, was da so gemacht wird.
Hier ist eins ohne Worte, was meiner Version sehr nahe kommt:
Prinzipiell wird das Chicken einen Tag vorher in alle möglichen Gewürze eingelegt, am nächsten Tag dann mit Reis bedeckt in einem völlig abgedeckten Topf gegart…
Die einen legen es nur 1 Stunde ein, meine Erfahrungen sind aber anders, es ist einfach intensiver, wenn man es über Nacht einlegt.
Der Topf wird dann mit einer Rolle aus Teig völlig zugemacht, damit ja nichts von dem Aroma verschwindet!
Es ist toll, wenn man den Deckel aufmacht, der Duft ist unbeschreiblich…
Also wer Pfingsten noch nicht weiß, was er kochen soll…hier ist Martin’s Chicken Birianee
Chicken Birianee (4 people)
The day before:
Ginger and garlic paste (about 8 cloves of garlic, same amount of ginger, blend with a little water)
2 large Tomatoes, blend
4 white onions finally sliced and fried in some oil until brown (keep half for next day)
Prepare ghee about 5 tbsp
1 ½ Chicken, skinned and chopped up (with bones), cuts in the meat
4 small cups of Joghurt
A good handfull of mintleaves (finally chopped), keep same amout for next day
A good handfull of coriander (finally chopped) ), keep same amout for next day
3 fresh green chillies halved (or more..)
Juice of one lemon
- 1 ½ tsp Garam Masala
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp Cummin powder
- 2 tsp coriander powder
- ½ tsp chili powder
- 8 green cardamons (open and remove seeds)
- 8 cloves
- 1 long piece of cinnamom
- 1 tsp salt
Mix everything, cover and put in the fridge overnight.
Next day
Prepare add-ons
About 6 prunes chopped (optional)
½ cup raisins
1 cup cashew nuts
6 small potatoes cut up in cubes
Oil for frying
Fry cashews until golden, set aside on kitchen paper
Fry potatoes until golden set aside on kitchen paper
Remove some of the oil
Fry chicken
Put the chicken in the same pot, fry for about 30 Minutes or until nearly done, stir
Prepare rice and chicken
Dissolve safron in a litte warm water
3 cups of basmati rice, soak 15 min in water
Prepare dough-rolls for sealing (some flour and water)
Boil 3 liters of water with
- 3 tbsp oil
- 3 bayleaves
- 2 black cardamoms (or 5 green)
- 1 piece cinnamon
- 5 cloves
- 2 star anise
- 1 tbsp cummin seeds
- 2 tbsp salt
Boil the rice for 5-6 min then seave through
Put the the prunes and raisins on the chicken
Put potatoes on the chicken
Sprinkle some mint leaves
Sprinkle some coriander leaves
Sprinkle some fried onions
Cover the chicken with the rice
Sprinkle mint leaves and coriander
Sprinkle cashew nuts
Sprinkle rest of the fried onions
Sprinkle 4 tbsp of ghee
Sprinkle Small cup water with a few safron
Sprinkle a little of rose water and Kevlar water (optional)
Seal pot with dough
Simmer pot on medium heat for 40 min
1 big white onion chopped
2 big read tomatoes seeded
1 large cucumber seeded
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar
A little lemon juice
Mix all in a bowl
Day before:
Preparation takes about 1 hour
Next day (assuming dinner is at 19:00)
16:00 – 16:30 Organize pots and bowls, lay table, cool water, wine and beer, open red wine, prepare spice mixture
16:30 – 17:00 fry chicken in pot, when finished, cover and heat off
16:45 – 17:10 fry cashews and potatoes
17:20 set rice water to boil with spices
17:30 prepare dough (flour with water, make rolls)
17:45 – 17:51 boil rice, then seave through
18:00 prepare chicken then cover chicken
18:20 seal pot and simmer
18:30 prepare salad
18:40 Chicken heat off
19:00 open pot and serve
Check your spices:
- 1 ½ tsp Garam Masala
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp Cummin powder
- 2 tsp coriander powder
- ½ tsp chili powder
- 8 green cardamons (open and remove seeds)
- 13 cloves
- 2 long piece of cinnamom
- 3 tsp salt
- 3 bay leaves
- 2 black cardamoms (or 5 green)
- 2 star anise
- 1 tbsp cummin seeds
- Safron
- Rose water (optional)
- Kevlar water (optional)
Ginger (good peace)
Garlic (1 head)
Mint leaves good bunch
Coriander leaves good bunch
4 green chillies (more or less…)
6 white onions
4 large tomatoes
4 small cups of joghurt
1 ½ chicken
2 lemmons
butter (for ghee)
prunes small bag
raisins small bag
cashew nuts small bag
6 small potatoes
Basmati rice (3 cups)