Titel | Let Ramensky go! |
Komponist | Roddy Macmillan |
Textdichter | Roddy Macmillan |
Dauer | 03:40 |
Instrumente | vocal |
Martin D45 | |
Bouzouki | |
Chrishel Amurao (vocal) | |
Christy Mabilog (vocal) | |
Steffie Budde Akkordeon | |
Barbara Kranz Geige |
Johnny Ramensky war ein Safeknacker aus Glasgow. Ein Sohn von Einwanderern aus Lettland, der zunächst Bergmann wurde und dabei seine Kenntnisse über Dynamit erwarb.
Es war wohl der beste Safeknacker aller Zeiten, der aber fast sein ganzes Leben im Knast verbrachte.
Während des zweiten Weltkriegs knackte er im Auftrag des Secret Service Safes der Deutschen und wurde daraufhin begnadigt. Aber er ging wieder seinem alten Gewerbe nach und starb mit 57 im Gefängnis.
Alle liebten ihn, vor allem, weil er niemals Gewalt gegen Menschen ausgeübt hat, er hatte deshalb den Beinamen „Gentle“ Johnny Ramenski.
Zu seiner Beerdigung kam die Polizei und die Unterwelt!
Vielen Dank an Barabra Kranz und Steffie Budde für die Unterstützung!
Alley-ee alley-ay alley-oo alley-oh
Open up your prison gates and let Ramensky go
There was a lad in Glasgow town,Ramensky was his name
And Johnny did not know it, that he was set for fame
He did a we bit Job or two, he blew them open wide
But the caught him and the trailed him and they bunged him right inside
But when the war was raging the brass-hats had a plan
Tae purloin some information, but they couldnae find a man
So they nobbled John in prison, asked if he would take a chance
Then they dropped him in a parachute beyond the coast of France
Then Johnny was a hero, they shook him by the hand
For stealing secret documents frae the German High Command
So Johnny was rewarded for the job he did sae well
They granted him a pardon frae the prison and the cell
But Johnny was in error when he tried his hand once more
For they caught him at a blastin‘,and it wasnae worth the score
The jury pled for mercy, but the judge’s voice was heard
Ten years without remission, and that’s my final word
Now Peterhead’s a fortress, its walls are thick and stout
But it couldnae hold wee Johnny when he felt like walking out
Five times he took a powder, he left them in a fix
And every day they sweat and pray in case he makes it six